This module is somewhat of an outlier in regards to content. It is assessed purely through coursework, and the lecture content in the first term is not required for an exam or test.
I like to think of this module as an introduction to the Department of Computer Science (DCS), as there is a lot of content that can be applied to a general academic environment, or to facilities in DCS.
Mendeley is a piece of software that you can use to organise references for your papers and presentations. There is also a Microsoft Word extension!
For our class test, I revised these flashcards multiple times, and did really well. I can't claim ownership for these flashcards, as I converted these from a set from Quizlet. If you're using these on the day of the test... Good Luck!
Yes, I'm plugging UWCS. UWCS will really help you out where it comes to your Personal Development Plan, as we have a range of events that can count to your goals. I personally included my participation in the AGM, and my work in a Kubernetes workshop. Why not come along to Friday Night Gaming to kickstart your weekend while you're at it (and come say hi maybe?)?
This is a module that you don't need to dedicate a lot of time to, just make sure you stay up to date on lab sessions and seminars. The labs should help you in navigating Linux, and are a good way to soak up credit.
Most of the work (and credit) comes from your essay. In my opinion, this is the best chance you have in being creative with your work in the first year of your course, so pick a topic you'll be sure you enjoy researching! Also, expect to do a lot of reading. Like, a lot. You don't have to reference every paper you lay your eyes upon, but even if you have a good general idea of your topic, you'll have to discuss in an academic manner, backing up most if not all of your thoughts and reasoning!
Not many people took this module seriously this year. You might have already gathered from the module's name alone, but it is by far the most detached from Computer Science as it gets. The lectures in the first term will tell you more about the University, and employment, and have no relevance to gaining credit (except the last, which will talk about your PDP!). The second term's lectures discuss points that will show up in your class test, so I would suggest attending those where you can.
The lab sessions go over how to use Linux and some other applications, and are mostly a breeze. The Bash Scripting tutorials may present as a bit of a challenge however. The seminars are focussed on your essay and presentation, and you will need to make sure you attend so you can arrange a group of people to do your presentation with, plus discuss your essay ideas with your tutor.
This was my best module, and I would suggest using it as an opportunity to bulk up your credit to make up for modules you struggle in.